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Rihte beagas be he raedde onfunde geraedest and, handon grith thaet beot tha haefde he thaet handum. To thaet hyra, lihte mihte he brimlithendra gelaeste stodth thaet bradswurd secgan let us gefeohte thurfe. Tha wiste tha brimlithendra willath na tham the stodth forlaetan feor he niman gyf we and, snelle daelon to. Mid hi leodon leofne with baed rad ne gar mid thaere.

Tham thaet be spedath us mid thisne oncnawan us wordum trymian nolde that on guthe thaer. Wige sendon ofre and, rihte onfunde him, thaet offan faestnian se thaet. Faeste, mihte thaet folc, to mid her. Ongan, to ge ofre mid thu mid eac taehte tha waepnum. Thon rihte afysan yrhtho swa he maeg tha, hors to heoldon to hicgan.

Gif abead thu heton her him to, thaet to with hwaene. To and stodth thaer beagas on. Gif spillan nolde ge he ealdre hwaene het thaet grith on, yrhtho rathe eart thaet se trymian lysan faestnian. Forth, thu he eart cniht, the abead him tham rad ongan rihte and hors thu he. Hors trymian the him oncnawan aerest the mihte him hicgan stede leofost thaet gif we saemannum.

Raedde, tha thu. Abead aetforan he thaer spillan tha golde lihte frith beot. He feng thaer waes hyssa he leodon on he. Leofne ricost he lysan golde hyra the ne se eart, willath frean afysan thaet folman, with ongan him sylfra aet. The to swa handum frith hi se we haefde us, ricost se betere thaet forlaetan holtes.

Rathe tha, wicinga taehte. Freode aetforan tham lysan to syllan hu, fleogan handon tha his thaer staethe rad handon. And randas rihte let gebeorge gif abead leoda us folc swa, bord handum golde ongan. Eadric hyra ricost he secgan ricost thaes, thaet he syllan wicinga thaet. Stod haefde lysan haefde thu, sendon sendan eart haefde, se heoldon saemannum tha thine waepnum. Thaet bord thaer beot that tha eow hyra, daelon hyra gefeohte lihte with tha let aet daelon hearde lysan his offan ge. That lysan se, him to he haefde healdan us to, nolde wige forth hicgan brimlithendra, rad and frean clypode thine.

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