Welcome to the FAQ of Schmidt & Bender
We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about our products, technologies and services for you. Find the answers quickly and benefit from our expertise. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any further questions or if you have an individual inquiry.
Which mount do I need for which shooting distance?
For shooting beyond 300m it is recommended to use a pre-inclined mount. If the riflescope features a parallax adjustment, it should also be adjusted accordingly.
What do the red and green markings on the Posicon adjustment mean?
The Posicon (Position control) turret adjustment is a unique Schmidt & Bender feature and reflects its superb engineering and quality standards. When the pointer is within the green range, the reticle is positioned within its square adjustment range, in which there will be no interference of windage or elevation movements. The red range indicates adjustment reserves that can be used if necessary, while also warning that too much adjustment in one direction (for example, elevation) could limit available adjustment in the other direction (windage). The red color also indicates that the image quality might be affected in a negative way.
What torque should I use when fastening the mount?
The recommended torque depends on the type of riflescope and the specific mounting requirements. Our riflescopes comply with the manufacturer's specifications for mounts: max. 2.8 Nm. However, far less is sufficient: 2.0 Nm - 2.5 Nm. Wider rings tend to require less torque than narrower rings.
What to consider when zeroing the turrets?
Consider the following when zeroing the turrets:
- The rubber plugs in the elevation turret must not be removed, as this could cause the entire turret to come loose.
- When zeroing the turrets, loosen the Allen screws only by a 1/4 turn in order to avoid the loss of screws.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact customer service.
What can be retrofitted and what does it cost?
Information on possible retrofits and the associated costs can be found in our service price list. We will be pleased to inform you about more details on request.
How old is my riflescope?
Please contact the service center in order to find out the production date of a riflescope.
How do I send my riflescope in for repair?
We will provide you with instructions how to send in your riflescope. Simply leave the mount on the riflescope.
How do I set the illumination intensity correctly?
If the illuminated dot on the FD (FlashDot) appears frayed, the illumination is set too bright and over-illuminates. Brightness and sharpness (diopter) must always be individually adjusted to the eye and the situation.
Where can I find dimensioned drawings?
You can find dimensioned drawings on the product pages of our website.
What should I do if I need a service?
We recommend that you contact your local Schmidt & Bender dealer directly. They can arrange further steps for you and get in touch with us. If you would like to send your riflescope directly to us, you can contact our service center by mail or phone. Our service team will provide you with all the important information on how to proceed with your service case.